ORL (Otorhinolaryngology) consultancy service specializes in the diagnosis and treatment of disorders related to the ear, nose, and throat. Our experienced ORL specialists provide comprehensive evaluations, diagnostic tests, and personalized treatment plans for conditions such as sinusitis, tonsillitis, hearing loss, and voice disorders. We strive to improve your health and quality of life.
Service offered:
- Diagnosis and treatment of ear disease
- Diagnosis and treatment of dizziness
- Diagnosis and treatment of nose disease
- Diagnosis of head and neck tumors
- Otorinolaryngology of children
- Treatment and rehabilitation of hearing-lowering patients.
- Septum nasi deviation
- Nasal polipectomy
- Tympanometry
- Diagnosis and treatment of sleep disorders, snoring and sleep apnea.
- Invasive and non-invasive voice therapy techniques for patients with functional sound disorders.
- Surgical interventions related to cosmetic and aesthetic reconstruction after deformities of head and neck tumors (paramorphosis)
- Tonsils, infections and ear tumours – nose – throat in pediatric age.
- Diagnosis – hearing loss test – hearing screening of the born
- Timcanometers
- Measurement of hearing reflexes
- Transient otoacoustic emissions (TEOAEs)
- Automated auditory potentials of the brain trunk (aABR)
- Tonal audiometers
- Endoscopy of the airways of children, babies, newborns with a flexible paediatric endoscope;
- Laryngeal diseases surgically treated with microlaryngoscopy – Laryngomalacia
- Study of obstructive sleep apnea syndrome
- Nasal endoscopy – Nazofaringu
- Chronic Tonsilitis – PFAPA Syndrome
- Adenotomy – Tonsilectomy
- Otomicroscope – Otosurgery
- Otitis media – Miringotomi – Installation of ventilation tubes (tubes)
- Miringoplastics-Timmanoplastics
- Lamp ear correction
- Removing foreign bodies on the nose/ear
- Care for tracheostomy
- Removal of neck cysts (cyst of the tiroglosal canal, cyst of the brankial apparatus, etc.)
- Lymphonodoula biopsy